Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer, Time for School!

WOW is it really that time already? Time for school books, yellow buses, girl scouts and teacher?!?! It can't be that time already, but alas it is.  Amazing how quickly the summer has gone by for us.  I am completely blown out of the water - while we didn't do anything overtly exciting, we leave our excitement to the small things.  For us though, the summer brought a wonderous adventure to the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair in Gaithersburg, MD.  A memory harkened from childhood and shared with our little ones.  Some of my fondest memories from my own childhood stem from going to the fair, first with my parents as a child, seeing the animals, riding the rides and getting some home made ice cream from the dairy barn - to the early teen years volunteering at the church food booth serving food to hungry fair goers in an effort to raise some money for the church - to the teen years spent cruising the carnival for boys! ;-)  This time around though it was taking the kids to the fair, showing them the sites, sounds, and rides my husband and I enjoyed growing up! You do know the camera went with! See the below and enjoy!

From a short vacation to Back to School...We've Had a Busy Summer!

1st Day of 2nd Grade!!!

1st Day of 4th Grade!!

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