Monday, September 26, 2011

Animal Rescue Stuff...A Found Kitten, August 2011 - Sept. 2011

Sometime in early August, I received a very interesting call from my husband, he told me we'd have a visitor for a short time - I asked who and he told me a little black kitten our son had found all alone up the street from our house, just sitting between two houses in our neighborhood - my hubby attempted to locate Mom and the rest of the litter - but to no avail.

When I got home I discovered she had a tail injury and was missing 3/4's of her tail - we took her to Banfield Pet Hospital at PetsMart as it was the nearest open vet w/out taking her to the emergency clinic.  We found out she was healthy, and everything looked good, but the tail req'd surgery for a cost more than we could afford.

So that night we set-out to try and find a rescue organization in our area who could help us, and low and behold Adopt-An-Angel was willing to help! She's had the necessary surgery on her tail and has been spayed and is now up for adoption!

So with no further adieu I'd like to introduce you to Pickles!

9-10 Weeks Old
11-12 Weeks Old

Today, 15-16 Weeks Old

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